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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Try Two Paleo Recipes Today

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    For someone just beginning to research or take a look at the Paleo Diet, you could be very easily mistaken into the idea that this type of diet or nutritional lifestyle is severely limited, boring and hard to follow. Without knowing exactly what foods are allowed and also not allowed, a Paleo beginner has potential to walk away from this diet without even trying, therefore missing out on the many health benefits it can provide.

    The basic foundation principle of the Paleo is that if those living in the Stone Age did not have access to a certain type of food as a result of agriculture, animal husbandry or other methods then they obviously did not consume it. Furthermore, if the caveman did not eat it, then neither should you! Although that is a very simplistic way to look at it, not all of today's food and nutrition advances have been bad. There are countless foods and ingredients available these days that are actually beneficial and nutritious. A person successfully living the life of Paleolithic nutrition makes informed choices when it comes to eating and drinking, staying away from processed and refined foods and applying these principles to food available today. It is a cleaner, natural and much more easily digestible menu!

    A true Paleo follower will only eat strictly from the approved Paleo food lists...

    However at whatever level you choose to follow this eating plan, all changes toward it will do you good. The elimination or reduction of all processed and sugary, salty foods will make a huge difference in itself but here are some of the core foods to stick to when preparing Paleo meals.

    Lean meat is a big part of the Paleo food list and thanks to it being protein packed; this food group promotes optimum growth. Stay away from fatty cuts and processed deli meats and instead choose cuts such as lean beef, flank steak, London broil, lean pork, pork chops, and essentially any lean cut meat. Lean poultry is also encouraged, especially the breast portions. Eggs are also an important and flavorsome part of the food list but due to their potential cholesterol impacts it is best to only consume a maximum of around 6 eggs a week.

    Those with a keen love for seafood just love the Paleo! An important addition to the Paleo food lists, fish, is surely encouraged along with shellfish and crustaceans. Lobster, prawns, scallops, shrimps! It's all OK on the Paleo! We discussed not eating fatty meats when it comes to beef and chicken but quite the opposite is the case when it comes to fish. Look to eat a lot of the "fatty", oily skinned fish as they contain rich omega oils and plenty of the "good" fats! These are the fish varieties that will give you the best bang for your buck! Bass, cod, eel, haddock, halibut, mackerel, red snapper, salmon, striped bass, and tuna are all excellent choices however pretty much any other type of commercially available fish will do nicely.

    If you love your fresh fruit and vegetables then again you're in luck as there is a massive variety of those two food groups! Apart from potatoes and other starchy vegetables, just about all vegetables are a winner. Root vegetables are especially good and the likes of mushrooms, beets, broccoli, onions, pumpkin, squash, and celery as well as all types of capsicums or peppers are all good choices.

    You will not find a fruit that is not on the Paleo food lists! Not only is fruit delicious, healthy and refreshing but there is also so much variety of taste and texture. If it's a fruit, you have Paleo permission to eat it and don't forget all the amazing and delicious fruit smoothies you can drink and enjoy especially if you feel you are missing out on those sweet treats!

    We will now discuss seeds and nuts and the position they hold on the Paleo food list. Not only are they a great snack but they pack a healthy punch and are a great natural energy kick with a low GI rating. And again, there are so many different varieties to choose from! Always resist the temptation to buy or consume salted or artificially flavored nuts as these extras are not only against the Paleo diet but can be extremely unhealthy. Some of the most popular nuts are almonds and cashews but don't forget chestnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, and pistachios. On the seed side, choose tasty and energy providing sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.

    With all the foods that are encouraged, equally important is the elimination of other foods. On the approved Paleo food lists you will find no trace of dairy foods, starchy vegetables cereal grains, legumes, salty foods, soft drinks and confectionery as well as fatty meats.

    The more you research the allowed food lists on the Paleo diet the more you will see it is not a limitless, choice less menu. In fact, there is a very large variety of tasty and flavorsome food that will give you everything your body needs without the dramas and health issues associated with today's food and what it does to the majority of us.

    Review the approved foods of the Paleo diet and get started today enjoying a cleaner, more natural and healthier nutritional lifestyle. Your body will more than thank you for it!

    Always remember that even if you can't go Full-Paleo, every step you take toward the Paleo diet's principles and food choices from the Paleo food lists is a step closer to better health and nutrition!

     In any case, there are plenty of recipes, cook books and resources available at that can help you learn more about the Paleo Diet Eating Plan, what are the Paleo diet allowed foods and assist you to more easily make this beneficial lifestyle change.

Two PALEO Recipes that You should TRY:

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