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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What really is PALEO DIET?

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 The Paleo Diet is also known as the paleolithic diet,  a modern dietary regimen also popularly referred to as the Caveman diet, Stone Age diet and hunter-gatherer diet. It is a nutritional plan based on the presumed ancient diet of wild plants and animals that various apes species habitually consumed during the Paleolithic era—a period of about 2.5 million years duration that ended around 10,000 years ago with the development of agriculture. During this period, humans grouped together in small societies such as bands, and subsisted by gathering plants and hunting or scavenging wild animals. 

Such terms as the "Paleolithic diet" in common usage, also refer to the actual ancestral human diet. Commonly centered on available modern foods. The "contemporary" Paleolithic diet consists mainly of fish, grass-fed pasture raised meats, vegetables, fruit, roots, nuts;  and these excludes -  grains, legumes, dairy products, salt, refined sugar, and processed oils.

Walter L. Voegtlin, a gastroenterologist was the first one who popularized  this in the mid-1970s. This nutritional concept has been promoted and adapted by a number of authors and researchers in several books and academic journals. Paleolithic nutrition as a common theme in evolutionary medicine, is based on the premise that modern humans are genetically adapted to the diet of their Paleolithic ancestors and that human genetics have scarcely changed since the dawn of agriculture, and therefore that an ideal diet for human health and well-being is one that resembles this ancestral diet.

Modern people adapting on traditional diets allegedly similar to those of Paleolithic hunter-gatherers are largely free of diseases, and that two small prospective studies of the Paleolithic diet in humans today have shown some positive health outcomes.

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