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Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Packed Lunch Habit in Paleo

Who wouldn't benefit from taking a packed lunch to work each day? Packed lunch not only saves you money on eating out, but also means not having to worry about seeking out paleo-friendly lunch options each day. If you compute the savings of taking a packed lunch each day and times it by all the working days in a year, you will see just how practical this simple habit can be. And, by taking a packed lunch each day, you will make it easier for yourself to follow the paleo diet.

Try considering these:

Cook a Little Extra The Night Before
If you are cooking the night before, then why not cook a little extra for your packed lunch. This way you don't need to go to the extra effort of making a separate packed lunch. You could even prepare for the week by cooking a large amount in advance on a Sunday and freezing the portions.

Buy Some Quality Containers
Invest in some decent Tupperware or some glass Pyrex containers with fixed lids to avoid spillage.
Tupperware is also great for freezer and bag storage because it retains the moisture in your food.

Don't Put Pressure On Yourself 
If you find making a packed lunch in the morning a bit stressful, prepare the night before and relish in the enjoyment of being organized. The more time you give to preparation the better your food will taste and the more you will look forward to your lunch.

Make Yourself a List 
If you are lacking in ideas for paleo-friendly lunches, then start by making a list of practical, portable foods you can add to your packed lunch. Once you have your list, stick it on the wall and consider these foods when you go shopping.

Make having a packed lunch to work as a daily habit. The last thing you want to do is fall back into the habit of eating non-paleo friendly meals!

These simple ideas are as simple as the recipes within the Simple Paleo Recipes cookbook! Check out one of the recommendations by CrossFit trainer, Travis Schefcik for this cookbook!

"The Simple Paleo Recipes cookbook is an all in one Paleo diet cookbook. Not only does it have breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes, but it's loaded with soup recipes, snack recipes, and even sauce recipes. Your almond hedgehog snack recipes is, by far, my favorite Paleo snack!"
~ Travis Schefcik
L1 CrossFit Trainer

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