We are what we eat and our diet plays a massive role in the way we feel on a daily basis. Often we don't realize the damage we are doing to our health by eating certain foods and not eating enough of others.
Remember these 5 tips in mind when looking at your current diet to ensure that you are right down the path of healthy eating.
If you are following the paleo foundations then all of the above are easy! But if you are finding your fruit & veggies intake is low and processed foods are creeping into your diet too often, or you would just like a broaden range of paleo recipes - be sure to check out these Paleo Cookbooks:Remember these 5 tips in mind when looking at your current diet to ensure that you are right down the path of healthy eating.
- Eat Your Vegetables - The '5-a-day' recommendation is actually an old school of thought, and 'the more the better' is now considered the way forward. For optimum health you need a solid amount of vegetables in your diet.
- Watch The Sugar - White sugar is highly addictive. This stuff is quite literally 'white poison' and contributes greatly to dental deterioration, diabetes, hyperglycaemia and hypoglycaemia, heart disease, arteriosclerosis, mental illness, depression, hypertension, cancer and more.
- Stay Away From Processed Foods - Processed food is useless to the body. It's full of chemicals, preservatives and alien substances that the body cannot digest properly or use for any cause of good. Processed foods cause high levels of toxicity which contribute to a large range of health problems.
- Avoid Dairy - A large part of the world's population is genetically unable to properly digest dairy products. In addition to causing an insulin spike and being processed and homogenized in such a way that is unsuitable to it's natural structure, dairy also increases the body's level of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) which is a known cancer promoter.
- Don't Even Think About Grains - Grains were never part of our ancestors diets and they really don't agree with our digestive system. Research has shown that 30-40% of people of European descent are gluten intolerant and effectively making themselves sick. You can easily get your fiber and Vitamin B elsewhere.
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